April 28-May 14, 2016
7:30 pm Thursday-Saturday
Tickets go on Sale March 1, 2016
The English Bride by Lucile Lichtblau
Directed by Ron Mediatore
Set/Sound Design by Darren Smith
Light Design Emily Arnett
Costume Design by Susan Lyles
Starring Albert Banker, Theresa Dwyer Reid and Michael Gurshtein
The Technical Team
Lucile Lichtblau is the author of The English Bride, which had its off Broadway production at 59E59th Street Theaters, Oct. 2013 and rolling world premieres at Theatre Exile, Philadelphia, PA and Centenary Stage, Hackettstown, NJ. Itswest coast premiere was at The Road Theatre, North Hollywood, CA in March, 2015and a staged reading at The Workshop Theatre of Nantucket was also in March. It was the winner of the Susan Glaspell Prize and the Israel Baran Award and was a nominee for the ATCA/Steinberg New Play Award and the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize. Her play The Hemings Diary as developedat The Southern Writers Project of the Alabama Shakespeare Festival and has had readings at Luna Stage, Penguin Rep. , Capital Stage and Two Planks Productions, Brooklyn, NY. It is a finalist for Inkwell/Woolly Mammoth, Washington DC and was a second place prize winner at Theatre Conspiracy, Fort Myers, FL Her play Sorrento was developed at The Alabama Shakespeare Festival where it had a reading , May, 2014. Her play Car Talk, had its world premiere at Stageworks, Hudson, NY and its regional premiere at And Toto too, Denver, CO. Her play Starstruck had a staged reading at the Road Theater’s Festival of New Plays, August, 2015. She has had numerous short plays produced at Stageworks, The Manhattan Theatre Source, The Vital Theatre, The Hudson Opera House etc. She has had four short plays produced by Public Access TV(Great Neck, NY) one of which, Seems Like Old Times, won prizes for Best Comedy and Drama for regional Public Access Stations. She is a graduate of Yale Drama with an MFA in playwrighting andwas the recipient of their MCA Fellowship. She is a member of DG and AEA. CONTACT INFORMATION: Penny Luedtke The Luedtke Agency 1674 Broadway, # 7A NY, NY 10019 Pennyagent@gmail.com 212-765-9564